Specialist psychology counselling
to meet your needs.
Referrals, Fees and Rebates Overview
Private Consulting Fees
Clinicans at WPS charge well under the recommended rate set by The Australian Psychological Society ($311 for a standard 45-60 minute consultation) though psychologists are free to set their own rates.
Fees at WPS vary depending on the practitioner you see.
As of 1st July 2024, fees at WPS range from $175 - $240 for a 50-minute consultation​
We are not a bulk billing practice. Please click here to find information regarding no out of pocket cost services. ​​
Medicare referrals can be provided to patients with an assessed mental health concern managed by a GP under a GP Mental Health Care Plan or on direct referral from a psychiatrist or paediatrician. Eg. anxiety, depression, sleep problems, grief, drugs and alcohol abuse, ADHD and conduct problems, eating disorders, unexplained physical complaints, and sexual problems.
​​Medicare Rebates may be claimed at WPS via Medicare Online Claiming
You can claim up to 10 individual and 10 group services per calendar year
If you are accessing counselling via NDIA funding, our practice charges the scheduled fee as outlined by NDIS. There is no out of pocket cost.
The NDIS provide a price guide for service providers (ndis.gov.au).
The price controls and associated arrangements is designed to help providers to operate within the NDIS market environment, maximising choice for participants. NDIA pay a rate in accordance with the knowledge that NDIS participants may experience complexity and challenges that affect their ability to attend. The NDIA recommend the same rate for attendance and non-attendance/late-cancellation to ensure client’s continued access to care and to not disadvantage the service provider. They also allow parent-only sessions, telephone counselling and have recommended fees for the writing of reports to support the participants care options/ to better tailor care, unique to the participants needs.
All plans of care are discussed with NDIA plan managers to allocate the appropriate amount of funding to cover the needs of the participant. For example, if the participant requires fortnightly psychology sessions, an allocation of funding will be made to support this frequency of service at the NDIA rate specified. Over the course of an NDIS plan, this takes into consideration non-attendance, planned breaks of care related to holidays/school/life events etc, If annual reviews of the participants NDIS plan do not utilise allocated psychology funding, allowances may be reduced in subsequent funding periods
TPS (Targeted Psychological Sessions)
CAREinMIND Melbourne Primary Care Network (MPCN) offers free psychological counselling to assist people on low incomes with a healthcare card/pension card to address a range of mental health problems.
Up to 12 sessions may be provided to help address a range of issues.
Specialist services are also available to support children and young people, and people at risk of suicide or self-harm.
Services are available to low income earners with priority given to those at increased risk of suicide and self-harm (appointments within 72 hours of referral), new mothers, children and young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and those affected by homelessness.
General Practitioners (GPs) referring patients under TPS do so through CAREinMIND and may request our service or a practitioner within it.
WPS is able to provide employer’s workers with personal, marriage, family or work related counselling. Workers can self refer if there is an agreement in place between WPS and the employer. Content of discussions remain confidential and are never disclosed to the employer. Clients are welcome to obtain further sessions at their own cost.
If you have an accepted TAC claim psychological counselling may be accessed by you and family through a GP referral or directly from the TAC Road Trauma Unit.
Psychological counselling can be accessed via a GP referral for clients who have an accepted Workcover claim . A referral letter from the GP is essential prior to psychological counselling as well as counselling approval by the insurer and a gap fee may be charged.
Employees working for the Commonwealth Government are also eligible for psychological counselling with an accepted claim and GP referral.​
Victims of Crime related counselling can be accessed via a claim to VOCAT or through a solicitor. Feel free to contact our office for further details.
Open Place will support counselling sessions per financial year for each Forgotten Australian.
WPS has a counselling contract with Open Place and aims to help people who identify as Forgotten Australians to deal with the legacy of their childhood experiences and provide support to improve their mental health and well-being.